суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

free vnc manager

We had speech therapy Tuesday this week, which consists mostly of Alita eating breakfast and ignoring the therapist. Pretty typical. Alita perked up, however, when Christy brought out her new chew toy. Yep, thatapos;s right, my kid has a chew toy. Go figure. Here Iapos;ve been trying to concoct a way to get the binky away from her and she actually needs to chew on something to strengthen her jaws. Supposedly, this gizmo will keep her from gnawing on her clothing or toys. Iapos;m all for that. Poor Lamby canapos;t take too much more abuse.

We checked out the pre-school that day too. Seems like a nice bunch of folks and kids. Iapos;m fairly confident Alita will thrive in that environment. Either that, or sheapos;ll lead the teachers a merry chase while they introduce her to the routine. Anyway, sheapos;ll start after her birthday.

The experiment continues. ^_^
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